About the Tudor Trust

In 1955 Sir Godfrey Mitchell, owner of the construction business George Wimpey Ltd, established a charitable trust which was renamed The Tudor Trust in 1979.



Tudor Trust board in discussion


Today, the Tudor Trust is a grant-making organisation with a long-standing commitment to funding smaller, grassroots organisations. With an endowment of around £220m, our annual commitment to grants has averaged £20 million. We are winding down our current grant-making strategy and are re-evaluating and developing a new strategy centred around racial, social and economic justice.

The wider social context in which Tudor has been operating has changed dramatically over the last decade. For most of the trust’s existence the members of the Board of Trustees have been descendants of the original founder. Increasingly those trustees recognised that we live in a society that is shaped by inequity and that changes at Board level were needed to ensure the delivery of the changing purpose of the trust.

In 2024 the membership of the Board of Trustees has moved from being rooted in family to being governed by trustees with a wider and more diverse range of experience, perspectives and leadership, closer to the social change we want to achieve.

A new chapter of the Tudor Trust’s story is being written.